One of the predecessors to the massive Time-Warner publishing group, Time is a world-renowned weekly magazine focusing on current affairs and politics, including detailed analysis of each region, from the United States and Europe to the Asia/Pacific region.
From the Vietnam War to September 11, Time can also be counted on for the most comprehensive coverage of world-changing events, usually accompanied by cutting edge photojournalism.
A modest black and white format became more colorful in the 70s, and came to include bold advertising aimed at the high end of the market.
One of the predecessors to the massive Time-Warner publishing group, Time is a world-renowned weekly magazine focusing on current affairs and politics, including detailed analysis of each region, from the United States and Europe to the Asia/Pacific region.
From the Vietnam War to September 11, Time can also be counted on for the most comprehensive coverage of world-changing events, usually accompanied by cutting edge photojournalism.
A modest black and white format became more colorful in the 70s, and came to include bold advertising aimed at the high end of the market.